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- Elements and Compounds (By: Aleah Syrille Reyes)
Posted by : Group 5, 3-Pablo
Friday, August 9, 2013
In Chemistry, one of the most basic topic is all about Elements and Compounds. These two are said to be pure substances that have constant composition and a unique set of properties. But this topic, despite being the basic, it plays a big role and is very significant in the subject Chemistry.As of dealing with the classification of a material, or of different substances, we’re going to encounter the terms elements and compounds which can be used to specifically classify each. But of course, before we classify, we first have to differentiate the two from each other and it is necessary to understand what they are.
All elements are made up of atoms, the “building blocks of life”. Elements are said to be the basic building blocks of matter. Why? Simply because they are the simplest form of all matters.Elements are “pure substances,” meaning that they have not physically blended with another substance to create a mixture. They are simply made of a single type of atom. So because of this, elements cannot be divided or decomposed to simpler substances by physical or even chemical means. But when elements change its state, it would also come back to its own original appearance.
When you chemically joined two or more elements together in a fixed ratio, that’s when compounds are formed. Chemical compounds are made of combination of elements. Compounds are substances with constant composition and a fixed proportion that can be broken down into elements or into simpler substances not by physical means but with chemical processes.But contrast from elements, compounds when changed or respond from chemical processes can’t come back to its original form.
Elements and compounds are the most fundamental chemical structures. Elements, compounds, and the chemical reactions between them are thebasic building blocks of everything. We deal with both compounds and elements in our everyday life so it is essential to understand elements and compounds, including their differences to identify or classify the matter we got to encounter.